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Muffy and Buffy

by Beverley, Napier, New Zealand


To-day Myra's kitties arrived. They are lilac burmese, Muffy, the girl is smaller and sweeter, Buffy the boy is out to conquer the world! Buffy immediately headed for the highest point in the room, the pelmet - straight up the drapes he went, yowling all the way. We watched, open-mouthed, as the ornaments showered down off the pelmet. It was far too far for Buffy to get down so he yowled for help. When I reached up to lift him down he got a sudden attack of panic and clutched at the pelmet with every claw. Myra sat there watching the ensuing pantomime, helpless with laughter.

Muffy got herself entangled in the bottom coils of the venetian blinds. It was easy to see that she would soon be at the point of strangulation. It took me ages to unhook the vertical blinds and stow them away in a cupboard.

The pair don't like being separated. Occasionally one loses the other and yowls. Myra's big black and white cat is nonplussed - it is hard when a couple of small tyrants take charge of your tail!

When I left Buffy was munching on a pot plant and eyeing the top of the china cabinet. Muffy was asleep on Myra's shoulder. Both kitties never stop purring! Life at Myra's place will never be the same again.


Editor's note:

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