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Cat's Paw

by David Yehudah, Bellflower, CA, USA


Once there was an old woman who lived by herself in a big house, with her cat and pet monkey. The monkey just loved baked potatoes, and on cold nights the old woman would build a roaring fire in the fireplace, wrap a potato in aluminum foil, and set it in the hot coals. The monkey would watch anxiously as the potato cooked and eagerly awaited the moment when she would rake it out of the coals and unwrap it for him to enjoy.

One night the cat lay sleeping on the hearth, the old woman sat in her rocking chair knitting, and the monkey paced back and forth waiting for his treat to be cooked. Just as the potato began to send out enticing smells, the phone rang, and the old woman went into the other room to answer it. It was her sister calling, and she sat down for a nice, long chat.

The monkey became frantic. racing back and forth between the old woman and the fireplace, gibbering and shrieking louder and louder. The old woman, annoyed, told him to go away and quit bothering her. The potato began to take on the distinct aroma of burning. The monkey tried to grab the potato, but it was too hot for him to handle.

Chattering wildly, the desperate monkey grabbed the sleeping cat by one leg and used his paw to rake the hot potato out of the fire.

And that was where we got the expression "cat's paw" to describe a stooge or fall guy.

My grandmother told me that story when I was just a child.


Editor's note:

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