bluejak  426 posts Forum Host Reply
Re: scoring party bridge or chicago ( 12:02:07 TueAug 19 2003 ) | |
To score Chicago:
You play four deals. On the first no-one is vulnerable, on the second and third dealer is vulnerable, on the fourth everyone is vulnerable.
Note: Some places play that dealer's opponents are vulnerable on the second and third deals, and not dealer: make sure your group is agreed.
If a hand is passed out it is re-dealt with the same dealer and same vulnerability, ie the passed out hand does not count as one of the four deals.
Score for tricks and overtricks and undertricks and honours and bonuses for making doubled or redoubled contracts are normal.
As in rubber bridge tricks scores for tricks bid and made count towards game bonuses. The game bonuses are 300 for a non-vulnerable game, and 500 for a vulnerable game.
If a side bids and makes a part-score on the first three deals it counts towards game and may be made up to game. For example if A-B make 60 on the first hand and 40 on the second that is 100 which is game so the get the game bonus that applied on the hand where they reached game.
Scores below the line are lost if the opponents make game. For example if A-B make 60 on the first hand and 40 on the third but X-Y made game on the second then the 60 is lost as in rubber bridge.
A part-score on the fourth hand may reach game with a previous score: if it does not then it gets a bonus of 100.
Four-deal bridge is sometimes played whereby the scoring is just duplicate, though the vulnerabilities are as in Chicago. For party bridge Four-deal bridge is often preferred to Chicago.
--- David Stevenson <> Liverpool, England, UK | | | |