mycroft 67 posts bridgetalk member Reply
Re: what chart is nebulous 8-13 1D opening ( 21:10:49 ThuJun 5 2003 ) | |
I tried to answer another (your partner?) on the ACBL forums a week back - it took, but you can't display it. I don't know why...
If your 1D opener guarantees 3 diamonds, you're fine no matter what. If not, you *must* guarantee 10+HCP to be GCC *or Mid-chart*. (Short answer)
Longer answer: if the "balanced" would include hands you could conceivably open another way (say 4432 and 4-card majors), you might get in difficulty, as this may be ruled "artificial". I think you would have difficulty, the GCC definition of "natural 1 of a minor opening" notwithstanding, if 1D could be 5M332, for instance...
I won't bother doing all the quoting here - you can read it on the acbl's web site - 3+ cards is considered "natural" for 1 of a minor, and the ACBL has exercised it's option in Law 40D, and interpreted it as "can't open 1 of a suit with <8 HCP" - so no great 7s...If you want to be artificial, you must promise 10+ on the GCC, and the Midchart does not ease that restriction (unless you guarantee 4 cards in a known suit).
Good luck! Michael.