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Phyllis Wu Reply
penalty ( 00:42:23 SatMay 31 2003 ) | |
Country: usa
If one make six and is also enjoying a two-trick of revoke benifit. What will be the final score for this? Thanks.
Jon Reply
Re: penalty ( 13:47:05 SatMay 31 2003 ) | |
Impossible, I would say. Under Law 64A, the two-trick penalty applies only in circumstances in which the offending side won at least two tricks. If the non-offending side made six, the two-trick penalty can't apply.
The revoke penalty is a transfer of tricks won from the offending side to the non-offending side; it is not simply an award of points to the non-offending side.
So, in your case, if the single trick won by the offending side was the revoke trick or a trick subsequent to the revoke trick, the non-offending side was entitled to the one-trick penalty and should be given the score for making seven. If the trick won by the offending side was prior to the revoke trick, there is no penalty. (See Law 64B1.)
Jon Siegel
Ed  172 posts Forum Host Reply
Re: penalty ( 17:36:51 SatMay 31 2003 ) | |
I agree with Jon, although I'd add that a revoke has to be established for the penalty to apply. A revoke that has not yet been established when discovered must be corrected. A revoke on trick 12, even if established, must be corrected. When a revoke is corrected (ie, the revoking player plays a correct legal card to the trick) the revoke penalty does not apply.
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