RMB  19 posts bridgetalk member
Re: Declarer names card in dummy ( 09:33:56 WedApr 16 2003 ) | |
Country: England
> Declarer calls for a card from dummy. Law45B: Declarer plays a card from dummy by naming the card, after which dummy picks up the card and faces it on the table. So the card is played.
> Dummy says the lead is in your hand. This is improper, dummy may attempt to prevent an irregularity (Law42B2); but the irregularity has already occured and dummy may not draw attention to an irregularity (Law42B3).
> Defender wishes to accept the lead. They are allowed to do so.
> If dummy has NOT picked up the card and faced it on the > table, has the card been played (Law 45B)? Yes. The card is played by naming it, once the card has been named (and therefore played) dummy places the card in the played position.
> If it has been played Law55A allows defender to accept it. Yes.
> At what point is it too late for dummy to prevent declarer > leading from dummy when it should be declarer's lead? Before declarer starts to name the card.