JimO  175 posts Forum Host Reply
Re: fifth card played to a trick ( 15:33:48 MonFeb 3 2003 ) | |
It is neither a fifth card, nor a premature lead.
The player is allowed to follow suit with an honor - A, K, Q, J, or T - rather than play the minor penalty card, without penalty. (See Law 50C).
Assuming the defender followed suit with a different spot card (2 thru 9), Law 52 applies. Declarer has the following options: 1) he may accept the play of the second card (and must do so if he subsequently plays from his own hand or dummy). The original card remains a minor penalty card. 2) He may require the defender to play the original minor penalty card. The second card now becomes a MAJOR penalty card.
--- -Jim O'Neil Oak Park, IL | | | |