Hi David,
I have registered now - yes it is harder to find out with all the directors now in Canberra. The relevant COCs are (AFAIK)
- the NOT
on the brochure - basically refers to the main ABF regs.
- and the ABF system regulations
There seems nothing specific (that I have found yet). The event COC refer to
the ABF system regulations which are available in full at:
http://www.abf.com.au/events/tournregs/sysregs.pdfThe only relevant bits seem to be:
(2.3)For all National (Gold Point) events, each pair shall have two
systemically identical system
cards on the table for the opposing pair before the start of play. This
practice is also recommended
for major Red Master Point events.
No pair may play two different RED or YELLOW systems during the course of an
without the express permission of the Chief Tournament Director, unless
specifically provided
for in the Supplementary Regulations.
Which don't seem to prohibit this action.
Maybe (1) does but if you were to say:
Play system 1 for our first 10 boards, system 2 for our 2nd 10 boards then
it could all be on the prepared systems.