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International Bridge Laws Forum

If you need help with the Laws or rulings from
any country in the world, this is the place!

Hosted by David Stevenson
Senior Consultant Director
English Bridge Union

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Alerting a revoke ( 10:17:39 WedNov 27 2002 )

I would appreciate your ruling on the following incident. S was declarer in 4H. E/W had both been bidding spades. W led a small spade. A spade was played from dummy and E trumped with a heart. S played a singleton King of spades. W showed surprise at E trumping a suit they had both been bidding. E realising his mistake announces that he has a spade and then plays the Ace of spades. As the revoke is not established the heart becomes a penalty card. S feels that if W had not indicated surprise then E might have led to the next trick and the revoke would have been establised. How would you rule on this?


175 posts
Forum Host

Re: Alerting a revoke ( 14:57:02 WedNov 27 2002 )

Where are you?
In some juristictions, including the ACBL, a defender may ask his partner whether or not he has any cards of the suit led when he fails to follow suit. (See Law 61B).

-Jim O'Neil
Oak Park, IL

427 posts
Forum Host

Re: Alerting a revoke ( 20:18:20 WedNov 27 2002 )

Of course Jim is right. Generally it helps us give sensible answers to rulings when people give the countries they play bridge in because there are differences in the rules between countries.

If you are in Zone 2 [North America], Zone 7 [Australia and New Zealand or part of Zone 8 [South Africa] then defenders are allowed to ask their partners whether they have any of the suit. In effect this is what happened here, so there would be no penalty.

In the rest of the world they are not allowed to ask, whether directly or [as here] by inference, and Law 63B kicks in, which in effect means that the revoke is corrected but is treated for penalty purposes as though it was established.

David Stevenson <>
Liverpool, England, UK

Re: Alerting a revoke ( 20:53:48 FriDec 6 2002 )

And what is the penalty? I do not andrestan this law very vell...

Thank you


427 posts
Forum Host

Re: Alerting a revoke ( 21:21:20 SatDec 7 2002 )

I do not blame you! It is a horrible Law! :sad:

In Zone 1 [Europe] and several other Zones a defender may not ask his partner whether he has any more of the suit led. That is in Law 61B.

Let us suppose that hearts are led, a defender plays a club, and his partner asks "No hearts, partner?". If he has no hearts then no harm, no foul, though the defender should be told not to do so in future. But suppose he has a heart.

Now Law 63B [the Law which causes the trouble] says that the defender must change his club to a heart. The club stays on the table as a major penalty card. Any card played from by declarer or dummy after this revoke may be changed.

Despite the fact that the revoke has been corrected, Law 63B goes on to say that a penalty is assessed as though the revoke was established, so the normal penalty for a revoke is also assessed, one two or no tricks as appropriate.

Of course, with the major penalty card as well, this can on occasion lead to a loss of three tricks, which seems a very harsh penalty indeed. :ohwell:

It has been suggested to the WBF laws Commission that in the new Law book this should be simplified by returning to the 1985 Law, which just said the revoke is established. That is much easier, and can never cost more than two tricks. :smile:

If you want to find out which country is in which Zone there is a full list at

David Stevenson <>
Liverpool, England, UK

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