Another way people love slowing a game down is by writing the contract on their personal score-sheet before the lead: this is very rude, with three people sitting waiting!

If you get behind then you should speed up in an attempt to catch up. Now that applies whether it was your fault or not. So if your partner was annoyed just because he felt your opponents were at fault, and he did not see why he should try to catch up, then he was out of line.

Of course, we do not know in detail what happened. If you were following a slow pair, and continually being delayed, then the Director should be chivvying them and not you.
None of this condones rudeness to the Director. If your partner's heated words included rudeness then even if the Director was wrong your partner was also wrong.
In a club it is important that players catch up when they get behind. So long as your partner realises that applies to him even if he was not the cause of getting behind, and so long as he was not rude to the Director in any way, then you probably have a legitimate grievance.
One other point: I do not like the idea of a Director chivvying via a third party: that was wrong.
I hope some of this helps. If you like to give further details of the incident, I am sure Jim, Ed or I can offer further advice.