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International Bridge Laws Forum

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Hosted by David Stevenson
Senior Consultant Director
English Bridge Union

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7 posts
bridgetalk member

Claim, Suit Didn't Run ( 02:47:18 SatNov 2 2002 )

Contract 6S by W

dummy: Q1064 A752 none AQJ87
declarer: AK983 K6 Q864 K6

North led A, trumped in dummy. AK pulled opponents trumps, 2/2. Declarer claimed with the following statement:
The rest are mine. I have AK, K then over to dummy's clubs pitching three diamonds on the clubs.

RHO has 96532. Because of the statement, "pitching the three diamonds on dummy's clubs," must declarer pitch the last diamond on RHO's 9 instead of ruffing? The last diamond could then be ruffed in dummy to score 6S+1.

Thank you so much for your help.


428 posts
Forum Host

Re: Claim, Suit Didn't Run ( 15:24:21 SunNov 3 2002 )

People will argue about these type of claims for ever! :sad:

Fortunately, this one is easy. When the last club is led from dummy, declarer would see it is a loser because RHO covers it and it would be irratioonal not to overruff. The he would find he could ruff his last diamond in the dummy. So the claim is allowed. :smile:

More interesting, and more contentious, would be if LHO had the five clubs. Now the question is whether declarer would automatically realise the last club in dummy is not good. Some people would argue either way, but in my view anyone who is casual enough to assume Kx opposite AQJ8x is running is also casual enough not necessarily to realise that it is not. So if LHO had the fifth club I would not allow the claim. :ohwell:

David Stevenson <>
Liverpool, England, UK

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