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[]al. Ohana Reply
card played from dummy ( 06:23:36 SatAug 17 2002 ) | |
S is playing 3NT and calls for the H Queen, which is high, but dummy hears S Ace and plays it East follows Spades, S Hearts, W Spades, and now South realises that it is not the H Queen which is on the table. Director ! Many thanks in advance
JimO  175 posts Forum Host Reply
Re: card played from dummy ( 15:25:10 SatAug 17 2002 ) | |
At the 1999 Summer NABCs in San Anttonio, The ACBL Laws Commission determined that if declarer makes a play after an inadvertent designation from dummy, "pause for thought" has occurred and the card may not be changed. For a further and fuller desciption:, if you have access to ACBLscore, try the Tech Files, R-LWSCOM.993 Also, when facts are disputed (what card was called from dummy?) when three players heard one thing (SA) and one player heard another (HQ), the Director should go with the majority, in absence of strong evidence to the contrary. In any case, Spade Ace led, declarer must correct his revoke. [Edited By JimO at 15:26:19 Sat Aug 17 2002][Edited By JimO at 15:28:18 Sat Aug 17 2002]
--- -Jim O'Neil Oak Park, IL | | | |
Ed  172 posts Forum Host Reply
Re: card played from dummy ( 05:12:23 MonAug 19 2002 ) | |
That url won't work. Try this one: is not a case of inadvertant designation. Nor, it appears, was there a dispute regarding for which card declarer called - he called for the HQ. Law 45D applies. It says: Quote: | If dummy places in the played position a card that declarer did not name, the card must be withdrawn if attention is drawn to it before each side has played to the next trick, and a defender may withdraw (without penalty) a card played after the error but before attention was drawn to it; if declarer's RHO changes his play, declarer may withdraw a card he had subsequently played to that trick (see Law 16C2).
So the SA is withdrawn, the HQ substituted, and all three players may change their played cards without penalty (presumably declarer, who played a heart, won't want to change that).
JimO  175 posts Forum Host Reply
Re: card played from dummy ( 14:21:51 MonAug 19 2002 ) | |
I respectfully disagtree with Ed. If declarer actually called for the Heart Queen, why did dummy play the SA? And why did neither defender object when dummy played the SA?
In cases where there is a dispute over a call during the auction, or a call of a card from dummy during the play, we usually give a little more weight to the "speaker", and in cases where it is 2-2 or 1-1, or even 2-1, we rule in favor of the "speaker" in absence of strong eveidence to the contrary. When it is 3-1 against, we rule with the majority.
From the ACBLscore Tech Files (R-CARDS.951):
"Where all the other players (excepting the "speaker") have given some indication that they thought the "speaker" said something else, TD's should rule with the majority."
So. SA played, Declarer must correct his revoke, assuming he has a Spade.
--- -Jim O'Neil Oak Park, IL | | | |
Ed  172 posts Forum Host Reply
Re: card played from dummy ( 07:13:30 TueAug 20 2002 ) | |
<shrug> On the evidence presented, dummy put the wrong card in the played position. If further investigation were to show that is not in fact what happened, that instead declarer did call for the SA, and then revoked, then I agree with Jim. The only dispute in evidence is that declarer, upon realizing (according to the original post) that the wrong card had been played by dummy, called the director. I suppose we need to know what the other three players told the director before making a ruling.
[]al.ohana Reply
Re: card played from dummy ( 14:37:47 TueAug 20 2002 ) | |
Many thanks to Ed and Jim for their expications The other two players did not hear anything, but simply played Spades because they saw the Ace in played position, declarer is an old man speaking in his beard But the play of Spade Ace was obviously bad for declarer, so defenders wanted to let it played I think events were like Ed supposed to be, and I have applied the law 45 But I did nos knew about ACBL San Antonio, and thanks to Jim for that
bluejak  428 posts Forum Host Reply
Re: card played from dummy ( 01:31:22 WedAug 21 2002 ) | |
There is no doubt that the cited case is a Law 45D one. Al Ohana said: Quote: | S is playing 3NT and calls for the H Queen, which is high, but dummy hears S Ace and plays it.
So Ed's answer is correct. Sure, Jim, your answer is interesting, but on this forum we like to answer the questions asked, and Al's question made it clear that South called for the  Q. As to why the other players did not object when dummy played the wrong card, it happens. I remember when I put a card in such a position myself - and the next three players followed before partner realised!  Of course, there are other matters, such as that the ACBL conclusion that you quote was merely over-reaction to the famous "Oh sh*t" incident, and is certainly not recommended practice outside the ACBL. It is better to follow the laws as written. But lengthy discussion on the subject is more a matter for BLML. One other thing I would say is that good TDs do not start with preconceived notions about votes. If three people say one thing and one the other you will usually go with the majority - but not invariably.
--- David Stevenson <> Liverpool, England, UK | | | | View Thread Page(s): [ 1 ] |
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