JimO  175 posts Forum Host Reply
Re: Declarer changes card ( 13:41:03 SatAug 10 2002 ) | |
Law 47D. After an opponent's change of play, a played card may be withdrawn without penalty (but see 62C2) to substitute another card for the one played.
Law 62C. 1. Each member of the non-offending side may, without penalty, withdraw any card he may have played to the revoke but before attention was drawn to it (See Law 16C). 2. After a non-offender so withdraws a card, the hand of the offending side next in rotation may withdraw its played card, which becomes a penalty card if the player is a defender (See Law 16C).
Since the defenders are the non-offending side here, LH may change his card without penalty. This change of play is authorized information for the defenders, unauthorized for declarer, according to Law 16C. (I am assuming LH has no spades; if LH has also revoked, then he must correct his revoke, and the diamond becomes a major penalty card.)
--- -Jim O'Neil Oak Park, IL | | | |