Shuffler  7 posts bridgetalk member
Director Discovers Revoke ( 20:02:44 MonJul 8 2002 ) | |
Would appreciate your advice on the following: Can a director while contemplating a frivolous claim of damage use 81C6 to penalize a revoke not discovered by any of the players?
N dealer: 1D - 3C - P - 3H, all pass. North led the K of D, south played the 3; North led A of D, south played the 8. North continued with a diamond and South ruffed it. Play continued to the end of the hand. Table result: 3H, -1.
Director called. EW stated: 1. they were damaged because North played low-high with a doubleton stating it was illegal to do so without a pre-alert as stated in the new ACBL alert procedure change. 2. Had they known it was a doubleton they would have trumped it. [Nothing was ever said about the revoke!] The "expert" player insisted I refer to the new alert procedure. I told them to score the actual result and I would get back to them. ........................Q7 ........................52 ........................AK754 ........................QJ62 AJT..................................543 ....AKJT63...............................8 ....JT6..................................Q2 ....9....................................AKT8743 .........................K9862 .........................Q974 .........................983 .........................5
During the second round, I got back to this problem. No where could I find evidence of a pre-alert for discarding. I decided his confusion was leading low from a doubleton as a pre-alert in the alert procedure changes. However, when I looked at the actual hands, I saw South's revoke. Even the person who actually revoked (a known, weak, yet very ethical player) did not know she revoked I adjusted the score to +170 for EW, taking the revoke into consideration. Was I correct? Thank you, Dini Romito