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International Bridge Laws Forum

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Hosted by David Stevenson
Senior Consultant Director
English Bridge Union

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13 posts
bridgetalk member

Hesitation ( 19:37:23 FriJun 21 2002 )

Acol bidding MPs Local club.
1s 2c
2s 2n
3c 3s

2S and 3C (in particular the 3c call) made after significant
hesitation. - 20 seconds (!!) on 2S then 30+ secs for 3C. 2N seems reasonable here.

Has responder got a 70% call (so called because 70% of the field might call 3s).

You might argue 2S guarantees 6.

I contend 2n is THE limit bid and 3C is very probably final - especially as the hesitation was evident.

Being club pairs I didn't think it warranted an objection but had this arisen at a more senior level I feel I would have reserved my rights and now ask for an impartial view on this matter (assuming that the hesitation is a given).


Opener (not so difficult to find 2s)




172 posts
Forum Host

Re: Hesitation ( 03:36:24 SatJun 22 2002 )

The auction went


There was hesitation on the 2S and 3C bids. Now, a hesitation is not in itself an infraction. The question is, did responder take an action which was "demonstrably suggested" over a logical alternative by the hesitation? In order to answer that, we have to figure out what the hesitation(s) might have suggested.

It appears to me the hesitations both suggest that opener is unsure whether to bid on, and so they suggest that perhaps responder should pass rather than continue. That being the case, passing would be an infraction of Law 16, bidding on would not. So I would rule "no infraction, no adjustment". I am, however, prepared to be told I'm wrong - which I'm sure David will do, if necessary. :biggrin:


428 posts
Forum Host

Re: Hesitation ( 10:07:21 MonJun 24 2002 )

In basic Acol, 3C is forcing, so there is no reason why responder should do other than bid 3S.

As for responder's 2NT bid, I htink opener will usually have extra valuse - he cannot be thinking of passing a forcing 2C - but surely 2NT is automatic?

I do think it a pity that clubs do not get a few rulings in these positions. If done politely and nicely they do no harm, but teach people about rulings for when they play in bigger events.

David Stevenson <>
Liverpool, England, UK

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