tom_cornelis 2 posts bridgetalk member Reply
IMP scoring ( 22:38:16 FriJun 7 2002 ) | |
hi all,
allthough i'm not a td, i'm very interested in bridge laws, particularly in the organisational part (scoring, movements). i came across a discussion about imp scoring. it was about the datum score with a butler calculation. cross-imps was mentioned too, but no other reason than a gut feeling was given why this should be preferred. i experimented with some results on a board and this is my conclusion: the total of imps scored in ns can be different from the total of imps scored in ew if you use a datum score to compare to (whatever datum score you use); in fact the totals are each others opposites. to me this seems a very good reason why cross-imps should be preferred, as the total number of imps is 0 (zero) for ns as well as ew. it cannot be acceptable that the method of scoring has influence on the results, because lucky or unlucky pairs can end higher or lower in the ranking regardless their result on a specific board was bad or good. bad results should lead to lower places, and good ones to higher places. that's why i propose that this matter should be taken in consideration when the laws of 2007 are going to be decided, and that they include that cross-imps are obligatory.
best regards,
tom cornelis.