It looks very interesting, Tom, but I regret I do not understand what you are trying to say.
Apparently you have some worries about weighted scores [not split]. But when you say
>a more intuitive reason would be that it seems wrong that a >certain table will receive more or less points on that board >than another, only because of the ruling at some table.
I agree but surely this does not happen?
There are times when a split ruling is given [not a weghted one] which is an unbalanced one. This is rare, and does nto seem to be the cae about which you are talking.
To make it clear, if a TD gives both sides a rluing such as
30% of NS+680
+ 70% of NS-100
that is called a weighted ruling.
If a TD gives N/S NS +680, and gives E/W NS +1430, which can happen for a couple of reasons, that is called a split ruling.