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Can this be made on a Compound Squeeze?

by David Stevenson


This hand appeared on Facebook. How do you make 7D?
The opening lead is the HK.

S A54
D K432
C A83
[ ]
S K72
H 8
D AQJ9765
C K9

Assuming that the lead is from HKQ and assuming the lead is not ruffed we can safely say the following:

The classification of Compound Squeezes (slightly amended and improved from Love) is here.

The requirements for a Type L Restricted Compound Squeeze are present. There is an L threat (HJ) and two B threats (S7 and C8). The long suit is in the opposite hand to the L threat and the hand with the long suit must have an extra entry in either the L suit, or the B suit in the hand with the L threat. This condition is satisfied by the CK. The other hand must have an extra entry in either the L suit, or the B suit in the hand with the long suit. This condition is satisfied by the SA.

So how can it fail? The trouble with Compund Squeezes is that they are ambiguous and you often have to decide what suit the opponent with three suits has abandoned on the play of the F suit.

So play HA, ruff H6 high (just in case something interesting happens) and start cashing the Ds. You play five rounds of Ds discarding the S4 on the last one, reaching this position:

S A5
D --
C A83
[ ]
S K72
H --
D 7
C K9

The moment of truth has arrived. West must still have the HK so he cannot have kept three cards in each black suit. So you must decide which black suit he has abandoned.

Would you have made it? Incidentally, I do not know the distribution of the other hands so I do not know which line is successful.


Editor's note:

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