Ode to Flakey
by Leia, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
- I remember the day Flakey came to my door
- I went to do laundry around about four
- When I returned I was surprised to see
- A little white kitten staring up at me.
- His mew was so pitiful, his eyes beguiling
- And I can tell you and wouldn't be lying
- He must have known I was a soft touch
- Because now I love him ever so much.
- I brought him in making him feel at home
- Through each and every room did he roam
- At first he would check each knook and cranny out
- Now all he does is just lay about.
- This little white cat puzzled me you see
- For I wasn't sure what he was supposed to be.
- He would meow and looked like a cat
- But I swear at times he reminded me of a rat.
- He follows me around like a loyal little dog
- Believe or not he jumbs like a frog
- I'd seen him slither like a snake
- And said to myself: Boy aren't you a flake!
- Snowflake was going to be his name
- But to me it sounded so very lame
- It just didn't discribe this little cat
- Who thinks he's anything but that.
- So I named him Flakey and it seems to fit
- This Monster of a cat who at my feet does sit
- He cleans his whiskers looking up at me
- Seeming to ask: What time will dinner be?
- Yes, he even thinks he's a human like me
- He loves to eat hotsdogs, his favorite is turkey
- Lapping up spegetti sauce, biting into a steak
- Is it any wonder that I call him a flake?
Editor's note:
- If you want to comment on this article, why not write direct to
- She will be pleased to hear from you!
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