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The Squirrels have been Rescued!

by Julie Cook, Stone Mountain, Georgia, USA


This evening when we got home the squirrels were once again scratching at the wall trying to climb out. They were crying again, too. The cats appear to have decided that the wall wasn't going to provide a midday snack and Selena was asleep under the bed and Hobbes was following us around, although he did stop and scratch at the baseboard of the wall several times.

Rusty brought out the borascope again and took a look around. This time he saw one in the section of wall we had not opened with the exception of a viewing hole in the stud. They were at the bottom of the wall. He removed the baseboard and drilled a hole just large enough to view through, although that wasn't necessary since the squirrel stuck his nose through the hole as soon as it was opened.

Using great care, he didn't want to cut a squirrel in half, Rusty managed to cut a small hole in the bottom of the wall and immediately two heads tried to shove through. Now if you are looking at the wall where the squirrels are the door to the kitchen is on the immediate right with the doorway leading to the rest of the house further to the the right. I had taken a piece of metal and was standing with the metal blocking the right side of the kitchen doorway in an attempt to keep the squirrels from escaping into the house. Rusty was holding the cat comforter bed in front of him to keep them from jumping out at him. Using pliers he managed to open this new hole a little more and the first squirrel ran out and straight into the metal I was holding up before turning into the kitchen. The next thing I heard was Rusty saying, "There are three of them in there!!" Just in time to see the second squirrel come running out also banging into the metal before scurrying off into the kitchen. The third one was a little more timid but it too made its way out and without running into the metal it found its way into the kitchen. The third one was the first out the open door while the first two ran along the side of the kitchen before find their way out. All three appeared to be juvenile delinquent age. Once they realized they were free not one of them waited to say good-bye before hurrying out across the yard to what I hope will be a long, safe life.


Rusty went immediately and found the hole leading into the attic and filled it with a foam in hopes that it will keep future squirrels from entering the attic.


Editor's note:

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