Lost Cat - UK advice
by 'Five Cats', Yorkshire, England UK
- Ring all rescues in your area. Not only might your kitten be there, but they might well have some advice on finding him.
- Leaflet all houses within 10-15 minutes walk of yours. Offer a small reward, put a picture of the cat on the leaflet and ask them to check outbuildings etc.
- Ring all local vets, or better still visit with the leaflet. The ones where I live all keep lost / found registers.
- If the cat was chipped and/or wearing a colour include that information on the leaflets and let all the rescues / vets know. If he isn't chipped and doesn't have a collar reconsider if you get him back.
- Check with the cleansing department. The ones in the UK keep records of dead animals they dispose of. It's better than not knowing.
- Many local papers have a free lost & found section for pets.
- Consider getting the local media involved, especially if the cat has an unusual story.
My own experience of missing cats is more good than bad - one was never found (I have a very sick cat and two young energetic kittens at the time), one had got locked in a neighbours house (she only went in for 5 minutes!) and one had been thought to be lost and taken home by the finders, but they had reported him to the RSPCA.
The FAB might have further information, though again they are UK based.
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- If you want to comment on this article, why not write direct to
'Five Cats'?
- She will be pleased to hear from you!
- For other items on the same subject see
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