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Cat on a Spring

by Helen S, Norfolk, UK


Whilst Francis was having a swim earlier today, our neighbour, Bill, was cutting down some of the long grass in his field which is directly adjacent to us at one end of the garden. Bill has planted a couple of chestnut tree saplings in there, in memory of certain members of his family, and the saplings are lovingly tended. The field is mainly used to grow grass for hay, and as such, is left to grow quite long before it is cut. The saplings looked as if they were getting swamped, so Bill went out and scythed down a good area around each sapling, so the grass would not take all the nutrients from the soil before the saplings got a chance to get any.

Bill's scything disturbed the many small rodents that live in the field. Cat heaven! Rodents on the run! Marble could not believe his luck and dashed into the field as soon as Bill left. The grass in the field is about eighteen inches high and just at the height where it starts to move like the sea when the wind ripples across its surface. Hiding in the field was one small tabby cat, known as Psycho Cat From Hell, or Marble for short. Marble had a whale of a time, he didn't know which way to turn, there were so many little voles and shrews running about. Every few seconds, a flying cat would appear above the grass. He seemed to keep going across the field, just like a slinky spring keeps going - boing, boing, boing, across the field. Reminded me of another striped cat, one that sings a song. "The wonderful thing about Tiggers…. Their tops are made out of rubber, their bottoms are made out of springs…"

Marble was out there for hours just having fun being a "Tigger".


Editor's note:

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