This page contains a very wide selection of stories to do with Cats. Some are funny: some are sad: some are true: some are made up. There are a few links to stories on other sites. This complements
my Catpage, which contains much general information about cats. Submissions are welcome.
Items of a more general nature appear on my Generalpage, including a section on Netiquette: how to post to Usenet. If you want to tell me what you think of my site there are various methods of feedback detailed on my Homepage. There is also a list there of all the articles on the site.
- General
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What's on my Storypage? |
Stories of Cats 1 |
- Short Stories of Pish and Tush
by David Stevenson
- The Cat who Walked through Walls
by Jim Lindsey,
Toledo, Ohio, USA
- Hello to Duncan and Mouser
by Jim Lindsey, Toledo, Ohio, USA
- Duncan v Michelle
by Jim Lindsey, Toledo, Ohio, USA
- Sneaking up on Mr Owl
by Cathy Crossgrove, Redwood City, CA, USA
- Mistletoe's story
by Sam Nash, Kent, WA, USA
- Cat & Mouse
by Gill Baxter, Nottingham, UK
- The Day we got Vino
by Britta Wilson, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- My beloved Blue point Siamese cat Koko
by Cindy, Canada
- Hitch and Hiker
by Clint & Kathy Frederick, Las Vegas, USA
Story Links |
Stories of Cats 2 |
- Why do people love cats?
by Janice Munday, New
London, CT, USA
- The Best Bookstore In The World
by Janice Munday, New London, CT, USA
- Ninja Kitty
by Janice Munday, New London, CT, USA
- Mittens and Wrestle-Kitty
by Michael, Louisville, KY, USA
- Tinsel the Tattletale
by Joanne Macek, Rochester, NY, USA
- Nynex' Revenge
by Joanne Macek, Rochester, NY, USA
- Get out of my chair!
by Barbara Pattist
- How Jordan got Cats
by Jordan Orzoff, Minnesota, USA
- My Favorite Cat Moment
by Jordan Orzoff, Minnesota, USA
- Sweet Story
by Chris J, Shelton, CT, USA
Stories of Cats 1 |
Stories of Cats 3 |
- Flyaway Cat
by Joy Miller, Portland, Oregon, USA
- Cats and Snakes
by Karen J. Cravens
- Learning Experience
by Tony Doucet
- How Boots and I found each other
by Marcia Marvin, Portland, Oregon, USA
- Caring for a Prison's Cats
by Peter Pae, Washington Post Staff Writer
- Remembering Mavis
by Sherry O'Perry, Clovis, NM, USA
- Puffed Up
by James Arendt
- Harnessing the Kitty ...
by Lynda Koenig
- Little Dude
by Wyvryn
- WOW! or gol dang cats!
by Andrew Smith, Udell, IA, USA
Stories of Cats 2 |
Stories of Cats 4 |
- Tuffy
by Al Norris
- The Great Gray Hunter
by Melinda Nowikowski, Dayton, OH, USA
- The Tao of Doodle
by Melinda Nowikowski, Dayton, OH, USA
- Asimov & the Short-legged Cat
by Marie Martinek, Waukegan, Illinois, USA
- Kitten in the Kitchen
by Marie Martinek, Waukegan, Illinois, USA
- Worshipping at the Bowl
by Flippy, Melbourne, Australia
- Super Cats
by Peter Andrewartha, Northwich, Cheshire, UK
- It's Been a Long Journey Home for that Darn Cat
by Gwendolyn Richards, Vancouver Sun
Stories of Cats 3 |
Stories of Cats 5 |
- The Queen Cat and the Ferret
by Beverley, Napier, New Zealand
- The Kitten Party
by Beverley, Napier, New Zealand
- Muffy and Buffy
by Beverley, Napier, New Zealand
- Tribute to Ollie
by Beverley, Napier, New Zealand
- What Have We Done?
by Roger Hooker
- A Co-Worker's Cats
by Roger Hooker
- A French Cat
by Jean Brody
- House Cats put on a Circus Show
by Sandy Bauers, Philadelphia Inquirer
- Oh five three oh ack emma
by Richard
- The Stray
by Joan Cooper
Stories of Cats 4 |
Anonymous Stories of Cats |
- The Harley and the Kitten
- Going South for the Winter
- Monster Raving Loony Party race heating up
- The Long Journey of a Homesick Cat
- Kitten rides BART 55 miles
- The High Life
- The Lion Cut
Stories of Cats 5 |
Stories by Vicky Chapman |