:) Funny Stories of Cats 1 :)

  1. The Story of Boo by Gary Presley, Aurora, MO, USA
  2. The Naming of Briefcase by Paul G. Stout, Kent, WA, USA
  3. Cat Security Patrol by Paul F Austin, Palm Bay, Florida, USA
  4. The Final Game by Inge Grotjahn, Selfkant-Süsterseel, Germany
  5. Hei Yu! by Janice Munday, New London, CT, USA
  6. Frozen Bubbles by Janice Munday, New London, CT, USA
  7. The Woodpecker and the Chimney by The Riley Family, Key Largo, Florida, USA
  8. Stupid Cat Tricks by Carl Lewis, N Charleston, SC, USA
Stories by
Marina Kurten
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of Cats 2

:) Funny Stories of Cats 2 :)

  1. The Spider by Chris Brown, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England
  2. Ways to Wake Mom up by Catherine Sadler, Ramah, CO, USA
  3. The Meat Inspector by Catherine Sadler, Ramah, CO, USA
  4. I am worried about Meowmy by Catherine Sadler, Ramah, CO, USA
  5. Midnight Monsters by Susan Rosebrough, Blacksburg, VA, USA
  6. Petaholics Anonymous by Britta Wilson, Vancouver, BC, Canada
  7. Put a Little Spice in your Yoga by Lynda Goldsmith, Vermont, USA
  8. Unreasonable Cat by Linda
  9. Teach the Human to Hunt by Helen S, Norfolk, UK
  10. HELP: We're in Mortal Danger by Sheenah Large, London, England UK
Funny Stories
of Cats 1
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of Cats 3

:) Funny Stories of Cats 3 :)

  1. Lazarus versus the Bathtub by Tonie Becker, Anchorage, AK, USA
  2. Nickodemous' Bath Time Fun by Tonie Becker, Anchorage, AK, USA
  3. The Kitten Sitting Dog by Lesley Taylor, Dundee, Scotland, UK
  4. A Cat gets his Cuddles anyway he can! by Lesley Taylor, Dundee, Scotland, UK
  5. Cheshire Smile by Kristi Brandenburg, Cottage Grove, MN, USA
  6. Spare Cats by Tammy Jo, Arizona, USA
  7. It's Me or The Birds! by Tammy Jo, Arizona, USA
  8. Dusty's Revenge by Tammy Jo, Arizona, USA
  9. Typical Meal in the Kitchen by Jillian Colquhoun, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
  10. The Great Adventure by Cheryl Perkins, Canada
Funny Stories
of Cats 2
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by Helen Miles

:) Funny Stories by Helen Miles :)

  1. Feline Fish Murders! by Helen Miles, Caterham, Surrey, UK
  2. The Great Feline Hunters... by Helen Miles, Caterham, Surrey, UK
  3. That bast**d cat!! by Helen Miles, Caterham, Surrey, UK
  4. Pandora meets the washing machine.... by Helen Miles, Caterham, Surrey, UK
  5. Pilau Pandora by Helen Miles, Caterham, Surrey, UK
  6. Bloody typical! by Helen Miles, Caterham, Surrey, UK
Funny Stories
of Cats 3
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by Lori Crews

:) Funny Stories 1 by Lori Crews :)

  1. Prissy Saved The World by Lori Crews, Houston, Texas, USA
  2. Prissy Adopts a Duck by Lori Crews, Houston, Texas, USA
  3. Putting on Clothes With Mommy by Lori Crews, Houston, Texas, USA
  4. Putting on Make-up with Mommy by Lori Crews, Houston, Texas, USA
  5. A Morning With Sammy by Lori Crews, Houston, Texas, USA
  6. Mrs. Prindle - Another "Prissy" Story by Lori Crews, Houston, Texas, USA
  7. Joining the Mouser by Lori Crews, Houston, Texas, USA
  8. Tales from the Mouser: Lacey's story by Lori Crews, Houston, Texas, USA
  9. Voyage of the Mouser: a Night Raid by Lori Crews, Houston, Texas, USA
  10. Exercising with Mommy by Lori Crews, Houston, Texas, USA
Funny Stories
by Helen Miles
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by Lori Crews

:) Funny Stories 2 by Lori Crews :)

  1. Reading the Newsgroup with Mommy by Lori Crews, Houston, Texas, USA
  2. Playing Games With Mommy and Daddy by Lori Crews, Houston, Texas, USA
  3. Sammy and the Stairs by Lori Crews, Houston, Texas, USA
  4. Cooking With Mommy by Lori Crews, Houston, Texas, USA
  5. Entertaining Guests With Mommy by Lori Crews, Houston, Texas, USA
Funny Stories 1
by Lori Crews
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by Laura

:) Funny Stories by Laura :)

  1. A Very Short Night... by Laura, Milan, Italy
  2. Particularily Clumsy Cat by Laura, Milan, Italy
  3. Self Esteem Problem? by Laura, Milan, Italy
  4. Foster Tiger by Laura, Milan, Italy
  5. Catdoor Traffic Light needed! by Laura, Milan, Italy
  6. How Wicked can Cats be? by Laura, Milan, Italy
Funny Stories 2
by Lori Crews
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by Jennifer

:) Funny Stories by Jennifer :)

  1. Kitty Aerobics turns to WAR... by Jenniffer
  2. My Cat, the Nerd by Jenniffer
  3. The Bubble Battle by Jenniffer
  4. New Babies!! by Jenniffer
  5. Toe Demons by Jenniffer
  6. Peaches the Huntress by Jenniffer
Funny Stories
by Laura
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by Julie Cook

:) Funny Stories by Julie Cook :)

  1. The Cat who Chased a Moth by Julie Cook, Stone Mountain, Georgia, USA
  2. An Unexpected Reaction by Julie Cook, Stone Mountain, Georgia, USA
  3. The Cat who Threw a Party by Julie Cook, Stone Mountain, Georgia, USA
  4. Guard Cat by Julie Cook, Stone Mountain, Georgia, USA
  5. Sympathy for Bev by Julie Cook, Stone Mountain, Georgia, USA
Funny Stories
by Jennifer
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by Pam Shirk

:) Funny Stories 1 by Pam Shirk :)

  1. Seperation Anxiety by Pam Shirk, North Carolina, USA
  2. Bird Hunting by Pam Shirk, North Carolina, USA
  3. Pounce Cat by Pam Shirk, North Carolina, USA
  4. Playful Cat by Pam Shirk, North Carolina, USA
  5. Pretty Clean by Pam Shirk, North Carolina, USA
  6. They Make Miniature Humans, Don't They? by Pam Shirk, North Carolina, USA
  7. Particularily Clumsy by Pam Shirk, North Carolina, USA
  8. Problem Child by Pam Shirk, North Carolina, USA
  9. Poor Cat by Pam Shirk, North Carolina, USA
  10. Protective Cat by Pam Shirk, North Carolina, USA
Funny Stories
by Julie Cook
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by Pam Shirk

:) Funny Stories 2 by Pam Shirk :)

  1. Plant Ckiller by Pam Shirk, North Carolina, USA
  2. Penelope's Curse by Pam Shirk, North Carolina, USA
  3. Psycho Cat Wars by Pam Shirk, North Carolina, USA
  4. Partners in Crime by Pam Shirk, North Carolina, USA
  5. Preparing Christmas by Pam Shirk, North Carolina, USA
  6. Petty Conflict by Pam Shirk, North Carolina, USA
  7. I'm out of the d*g house by Pam Shirk, North Carolina, USA
  8. Pirate Cat by Pam Shirk, North Carolina, USA
  9. Pirate Cat: the Continuing Story by Pam Shirk, North Carolina, USA
  10. Avast Ye Swabbies by Pam Shirk, North Carolina, USA
Funny Stories 1
by Pam Shirk
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by Pam Shirk

:) Funny Stories 3 by Pam Shirk :)

  1. Pine Cone takes up an Additional Career by Pam Shirk, North Carolina, USA
  2. My Hoomin is Possessed! by Pam Shirk, North Carolina, USA
  3. Help The Fat Wench Has Locked Us Up!! by Pam Shirk, North Carolina, USA
Funny Stories 2
by Pam Shirk
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by David Yehudah

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