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Seperation Anxiety

by Pam Shirk, North Carolina, USA


Berfert has suffered this weekend with seperation anxiety. Mike, Berfert's primary pet, stayed with a friend from Friday night until today. Berf was all right Friday, until around bedtime. He looked at me, looked at the door and said "Mrike?" I said nope, staying at a friends. Berfert answered "Nooo." He spent the next two hours searching every bit of the house for Mike. He looked everywhere including under the beds and in the fridge. He sat at the fridge door and meowed "Now, now!!" at me until I opened the door and let him check it out. He checked out the washer and dryer, looked in the closets and checked in the toilets. Berfert was not going to take a chance on missing any of Mike's possible hiding places.

Saturday, Berfert woke me up by jumping on the bed, walking the length of my body and standing on my upper arm and yowling "Mrama! Mrike!" I couldn't convince him that Mike hadn't come home durning the night and snuck in without Berfert being aware of it. He searched the house again. He looked under the beds, in the fridge, my dresser, the toilets, behind the tv, and behind the book cases. The only reason he didn't look up the chimney was that I had the glass doors locked closed and he hasn't figured out how to open them, yet. He tried to enlist QC and Tanada to help him, both of them kept looking at him funny and curling back up to go to sleep. Mandy and I left to go to the flea market and to Pet Smart to check out the kitties. We came back yesterday after noon and Berfert attached himself to me as though he thought I could lead him to where I had Mike hidden. He shared the bathroom, livingroom sofa, kitchen table, fridge, bed, and computer with me. I finally fell asleep with him staring deeply into my eyes as though willing me to get off my dead butt and bring Mike back.

Today, Berfert woke me again by baying "Mrama!! Mrike!!" in my face. We checked out the entire house, paying special attention to the fridge and toilet. Do you get the impression that Berfert knows Mike really, really well? He watched tv with me for a while but had to search around the house some more. No Mike. By this time Berfert was drooping with Mike withdraw. I was afraid that he'd given up. Around 4 pm, Berfert suddenly perked up. Within a minute or so afterwards, the phone rang. Mike was ready to come home. We went to his friend's house and collected him. When we got home almost two hours later, Berfert was almost dancing in his eagerness to have his pet back again.

Berfert spotted Mike. Mike spotted Berfert. Mike said "Hey Berf, didja miss me?" Berfert turned his back on Mike and ignored him for at least an hour. Now I wonder, what would Berfert have done had he found Mike in the toilet or under the bed?


Editor's note:

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