A Cat gets his Cuddles anyway he can!
by Lesley Taylor, Dundee, Scotland, UK
I was going to the newsagent today and on the way I bumped into Bomber. He is a beautiful black and white cat who is missing his left arm. I nicknamed him Bomber because of the way he runs to greet me when I come along the street. I wish I had a photo of him, I'll try to get one sometime. Meanwhile perhaps you'd like to hear of today's Bomber antics.
- So there I am, sitting in the sun washing my armpit when 'She Who Calls Me Bomber' comes round the corner. Now this one is a good human, she always stops to speak and fuss. I always go over to her but today I decide that she should come to me, I'll just do my cute kitty act and she'll be over here like a shot.
I start with the traditional head dipped to one side and a quite meow. She didn't come over! She just said 'Hiya Bomber - not bombing to me today?' How can this be? A cat as cute as me always gets his cuddles. Hmm, tactic two is called for. I'm just a poor little kitty with only three legs, look, watch me try to run, I'm nearly falling over because of the lack of leg, come, rescue me, I need a human to cuddle me before I fall over. OH NO! I've fallen onto my stump, meow, meow, I'll just have to pull myself along on my only front leg as my back ones are just not working either!
Yah! What is it with this human? She still isn't coming over! She even had to gall to smile when she saw me pulling myself along! I'll just have to sit up and give her 'The LOOK' and then she'll be sorry. So I sit up and what do I see? The sodding gate is locked! All that effort and she can't get in! Well, I suppose I'd better go over for a cuddle. Hey! Look, my back legs are working again, I'll just jump on this fence post and you can skritch me round the ears. Yeah, that's it, keep your human babble up if you like but don't stop skritching. Come to think of it, why haven't you got a key to my gate anyway?
Editor's note:
- If you want to comment on this article, why not write direct to
Lesley Taylor?
- She will be pleased to hear from you!
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