The Spider
by Chris Brown, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England
When I still lived at home, we had a candidate for dumbest cat of all time. It lost a fight with a money spider. Poor Blackie.
This tiny spider approached said cat which, on noticing it, stuck her nose out to investigate. One small lick would have terminated the spider very thoroughly.
- The spider advanced.
- Blackie retreated, at least in part.
- The spider, all 3mm of it, advanced.
- Blackie continued to retreat. Her front legs only.
- The spider advanced.
- When the front legs met the back legs, Blackie fell over, leapt to her feet and scarpered out of sight.
- The spider, not surprisingly, advanced.
Editor's note:
- If you want to comment on this article, why not write direct to
Chris Brown?
- He will be pleased to hear from you!
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