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Toe Demons

by Jenniffer


Lately, Mommy has been sleeping on the sofa. It just seems more comfortable, not to mention warm as it's right near the furnace. And comfortable is not an easy task to accomplish these days. I sometimes feel like an elephant in that I'm going to carry this baby for 2 years...

And Peaches is mad at Daddy. We moved furniture, you see, to make room for both Christmas and the new baby. (Mommy got a new rocking chair... Contented Sigh) During the commotion, however, Peaches was hiding under the sofa, and Daddy pulled her out so she wouldn't get hurt. This came complete with a HUGE fluffy tail between the legs, ears back, and a low growl in the back of her throat. She thought she was in trouble for something, I suppose. Anyhow, she's not speaking to Daddy at the moment.

This means she sleeps with me on the sofa. Now, it normally wouldn't be a problem. Our sofa is really long, and I can comfortably stretch out with room to spare, and I stand at about 5'10". But Peaches isn't interested in sleeping on TOP of me, like she usually does. Instead, she curls up by my feet. Still, I have enough room.

During the night, however, she stretches out to her full length. Laying diagonally across half the sofa, of course. And as soon as I move an inch, the demons appear.

For the last 3 nights, I have been rudely awakened every hour on the hour by the little sh*t biting my toes! All the while purring, of course. She then goes back to sleep as if nothing happened. Grrr... I then try to nudge her off with my foot. After 5 to 10 minutes of this worthless attempt, in which she remains sleeping contentedly, she will wake up, yawn, stretch... An irritated "Mrow?" and she leaves to eat. But she always comes back. Usually within another 5 minutes. The process continues its cycle... Sigh

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