What I want in a Cat
by Pam Shirk, North Carolina, USA
- Age 10
- Kitten.
- Soft fluffy fur.
- Not to have to clean litter boxes.
- Dependent on me for all its needs (except litter boxes).
- Comes whenever I want it to show up.
- Lets me dress it up in doll clothes whenever I want.
- Belongs only to me and doesn't want to be with anyone else.
- Eats all the foods that they give me and I don't like.
- Listens to whatever I tell it and doesn't tell anyone else.
- Sleeps on my bed and shares my pillow.
- Age 25
- Independent, takes care of itself.
- Uses given potty facilities at all times.
- Keeps me company without getting in the way.
- Does cute kitty things I can tell my friends about.
- Comes when I call it, at least part of the time.
- Lets me dress it up in cute kitty clothes when I want to play.
- Eats whatever I give it without complaint.
- Listens to whatever I tell it and doesn't tell the other cats.
- Never runs away, gets lost, or disappears.
- Sleeps on my bed, lets me have my pillow on occasion.
- Age 50
- Doesn't lick its privates in front of those I want to impress.
- Uses litter box most of the time.
- Does cute kitty things I can tell my friends about.
- Doesn't object to being referred to as my furkid.
- Doesn't mind if I forget its name from time to time.
- Doesn't throw loud parties.
- Lets me dress it up in my wig and dentures.
- Comes to the can opener.
- Lets me tell it all it want and doesn't yowl back too loudly.
- Lets me have part of the bed at night.
- Age 85
- Breathes.
- Aims for the litter box on occasion.
- Eats those nasty foods my diet calls for.
- Finds dropped pills and lets me know where they are.
- Comes to the can opener exclusively.
- Yowls to keep me company.
- Lets me dress it up in my bras and panties.
- Loves to be with me.
- Helps choose the TV programs and dig in the garden.
- Has its own bed and bedroom.
Editor's note:
- If you want to comment on this article, why not write direct to
Pam Shirk?
- She will be pleased to hear from you!
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