Ode to Tabitha
by Larry Himes, Reston, Virginia, USA
- You were just a kitten,
- sitting in your shelter cage,
- beside your sweet young mama
- (perhaps 2 years of age).
- Since two I sought to rescue,
- this pair was right for me.
- Adoption papers I filled out,
- and brought you home with me.
- I called your mom Samantha,
- you - Tabitha - I named.
- and hoped your witching wiles
- would not make you ill-famed.
- Throughout that first year in Falls Church,
- you grew and grew and grew,
- and mama got her weight back,
- eating good old "kitty stew".
- Then in 1992
- we left our quiet cul-de-sac,
- moved to Reston all at once,
- and never did look back.
- Sharon joined our family
- and you and mama did agree,
- a nicer human never lived
- than this sweet, dear Ms. Kennedy.
- For 2 years all was peaceful,
- though pet rats made you think twice.
- "What are these people doing,
- adopting giant mice?"
- But Samantha was a roamer,
- a fault you do not share.
- And her roaming took her from us,
- to heaven's rarefied air.
- Since her passing, we have known
- two other cats as friends.
- Ink is sweet and loving,
- while Smoke gives us the bends!
- At this stage in our life-times,
- I feel a special bond with thee,
- for we are close in relative age,
- 8 years for you, 50 for me.
- And soon you will pass by me
- on your way to what awaits,
- though we should have many years yet,
- 'ere we stand before the Gates.
- And whatever yet befalls us,
- remember to the end,
- you will always be forever,
- my dearest feline friend.
Editor's note:
- This was Larry's first-ever poem, written on Feb. 27, 1999
- If you want to comment on this article, why not write direct to
Larry Himes?
- He will be pleased to hear from you!
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