'Twas the night before Christmas
by Anonymous
with additions by Tim West-Meads and Anne Jones
- 'Twas the night before Christmas
- Two guests in our house
- Were playing some bridge
- With me and my spouse
- "Please tell me," she shouted
- "Why didn't you double
- Twas plain from the start
- We had them in trouble."
- "Tis futile, my Dear--
- I am taking no stand
- So please stop your nagging
- Let's play the next hand."
- "Remember next time"
- She said with a frown
- "To double a contract
- That's sure to go down."
- So I picked up my cards
- In a downtrodden state
- Then I opened one spade
- and awaited my fate.
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Dealer East |
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- The guy sitting south
- Was like many I've known
- He bid and played
- In a world all his own
- "Two diamonds," he countered
- With scarcely a care.
- The Ace in his hand
- Gave him courage to spare
- My wife, smiling faintly
- And tossing her head
- Leaned over the table,
- "Double," she said
- And North for some reason
- I cannot determine
- Bid two hearts
- like preaching a sermon
- I grinned as I doubled
- Enjoying the fun
- And turned round to south
- To see where he would run
- But south, undistressed
- Not at loss for a word
- came forth with "two spades"--
- Did I hear what I heard?
- The other two passed
- And in sheer disbelief
- I said "Double, my friend,
- That'll bring you to grief"
- South passed with a nod
- His composure serene
- My wife with a flourish
- Led out the Heart Queen
- I sat there and chuckled
- Inside o'er their fix
- But South very calmly
- Ran off his eight tricks
- He ruffed the first Heart
- In his hand right away
- And then trumped a club
- On the very next play
- He crossruffed the hand
- At a breathtaking pace
- 'Til I was left holding
- Five spades to the Ace
- In anguish my wife cried
- "Your mind's growing old
- You should see that Six No Trump
- for us is ice-cold!"
- By doubling this time
- I'd committed a sin
- It just goes to prove
- That you never can win
Tim West-Meads added
- "I doubled, my dear,
- since I trusted your lead
- A diamond you should
- have produced with great speed.
- Two thousand points you'd
- find then was our score
- (Not to mention the honours
- to make even more)"
Anne Jones added
- "Your scoring, my darling,
- would have cost us a bomb
- Two thousand points would
- have surely been wrong
- What trick did they win
- that gives them that score?
- By ditching the diamonds
- we get three hundred more."
Note by Henry C Baell Jr:
The notes to the article indicate that this FIRST appeared in the South African Bulletin in 1993. That is undeniably WRONG!!!!!!!! I FIRST saw it in an old newspaper column written by the great American bridge player and columnist B. J. Becker in the 1950's. I don't remember the exact year, but it was definitely in the 1950's. I had an 'original' cut out from the newspaper for many years, but it disappeared many years ago when moving from one location to another. The page was well dog-eared but otherwise in pretty fair condition. Just wanted to make you aware that this hand has been around a long time.
Editor's note:
- This first appeared in South African Bridge Bulletin in 1993 [but see note above]
- Later it appeared in Bridge Plus and the Bridge-laws mailing list
- Extra verses were added by Tim West-meads of London, England, UK
- Further verses were added by Anne Jones of Cardiff, Wales, UK
- If you want to comment on this article, why not write direct to
- They will be pleased to hear from you!
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