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Rubber Glove

by Vicky Chapman, NSW, Australia


Fluffy is completely clueless. More proof was offered up last night.

We have learnt much to our detriment, that we need to tidy up more. Why? Because anything on the floor that can be clasped in dog jaws and moved about by doggy strength, by default, becomes Fluffy's new chew toys. Many a sock has been sacrificed to her cause, as has my chop sticks, Shmogg's rubber ball, the insoles of three left shoes, knitting, newspapers, my homework (and I thought that bit about the dog eating your homework was always made up!) and other detritus that ends up on the floor.

Why my washing up gloves had ended up on the floor is beyond me. But obviously they were there, because although Fluffy is tall enough to put her paws up on the kitchen work bench, she's still stupid enough not to realize that thats where The Yummy Things are kept. I don't usually keep Yummy Things out though, because Shmogg had figures this out years ago.

There I was on the PC at home, doing my net thing, when I heard a Twank sound and then Fluffy yelp. I figured it was just Fluffy annoying the cat again, it wasn't a serious yelp of abject pain. I let it alone.

[Twank]. "Arp!" again. I listened more closely this time, shutting off the computer. It as actually a very quiet [rustle] before a much louder [Twank] followed immediately by an "Arp!" repeated several times a minute. Curiosity got the better of me, and I wandered out to the loungeroom. Bits of pink rubber glove were all over the place. Idiot Dog had got the remains of one of the gloves under her paw and was pulling vigorously at it [rustle]. When it snapped [Twank] it hit the dog on the nose like a rubber band, so she yelped "Arp!". But not once did she consider letting go of the rubber glove and stop trying to destroy it. [rustle] [Twank] "Arp!". [rustle] [Twank] "Arp!". [rustle] [Twank] "Arp!". After shaking my head in bewilderment, I figured I'd just leave her to it. One rubber glove is pretty useless by itself, and she seemed to be enjoying it. She obviously wasn't in too much pain, you need a few neurons to rub together to experience that. I returned to the PC to continue 'netting, while shaking my head and muttering "Whatever, Dog, just... whatever...."


Editor's note:

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