Hello. My name is Vicky and I have problem. I am a cataholic.
My last cat-free day was the 28th of January 1999.
I realised I had a problem when the following events happened within the same week:
I acknowledge I have a problem, and know that my health is adversely affected because of my addiction. But I just can't give up. I only have a credit card so that I can access the internet to read rec.pets.cats.anecdotes. I get annoyed if there are less than 30 messages there a day, and I'm always disappointed to find that I've finished reading all of them. My need is getting stronger and I find myself browsing cat related WWW pages instead of going for walks at lunch-time. I get paranoid if I don't see my cat at least every 2 hours. Last night I even got the cat DT's and hallucinated permanent cat-withdrawal. I'm even thinking of increasing my fix to at least 2 real-cats per day. How do I stop this insanity?
Hello nice men in white suits! What a lovely van you have. Someone did a marvellous job painting "Psychiatric Ward" on it. You are going to take me for "a little ride"? How kind of you. Oh, how sweet of you to offer me one of those smart long sleeved jackets with ties so I can go to visit "someone who can help" without hurting myself. Just tell me one thing before I go with you - do you mind if I bring my cat?????????
<gibber gibber gibber>
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