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by David Yehudah, Bellflower, CA, USA


Traveller got Patty a good one last night. Patty got up to get a soda while we were watching tv. While she was up Traveller brought his little squeaker toy over and plopped himself down in the vacated chair. Maybe he was looking for a warm spot.

Anywho, when Patty came back she just flopped down in her seat without looking. Traveller barely escaped with his life, but the squeaker toy got caught. "Squeak!" Patty shot up out of the chair, thinking she had sat on the cat, lost her balance and sat back down, hard, "Squeak!" Another frantic scramble, another fall, another "Squeak!"

I couldn't see the toy, but I could tell from the sound it wasn't the cat. Patty, however, was convinced she was flattening the poor feline and kept jumping and flopping around, and the toy kept squeaking, and I started laughing, and she got mad. Finally she spluttered, "That (expletive deleted) cat left his (expletive deleted) toy in my (expletive deleted) chair!"

All three cats ran for cover, and the dog just stood there with a horrified look on his face. I meekly suggested perhaps the cat wasn't to blame and brought her wrath down on my head for a while.

Patty got a spritz bottle and started stomping around the house saying, "Here, Kitty, Kitty," and I went to bed early. Interesting evening, all things considered.


Editor's note:


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