I suppose he's resigned himself!

by Helen Miles, Caterham, Surrey, UK
My boyfriend came over this evening. I haven't seen or spoken to him since the new "foster" cat, Florence, arrived on Tuesday. The conversation went like this...
BF (alledged *cat hater*) saw tabby he didn't recognise...
- BF:
- Who's that?
- Me:
- My new "foster" cat.
- BF:
- Has it got a name?
- Me:
- Florence, she registered on the paperwork as Maggie, but it doesn't suit her.
- BF:
- I suppose she's staying?
- Me:
- Maybe... if I can't find a good home........
- BF:
- You mean probably. Oh well, what difference does one more make?? Hellooo little puss cat.... How do you do.....
offers hand
(Florence growls, then slaps him... HARD)...
hand still offered
poor little lamb, wass da matter den, yew fraidy, fraidy?....
Next thing, she's rubbing and rolling over and he's chattering and scritching away.........
Apparently, he allegedly can't stand cats, and they hate him.... (Credibility - NOT!!)
Editor's note:
- If you want to comment on this article, why not write direct to
Helen Miles?
- She will be pleased to hear from you!
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