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Wearing of the Green

by Pam Shirk, North Carolina, USA


As you all know, its St Patrick's Day tomorrow, and I made my annual cupcakes to take to work with me. The question each year is how many, as the size of the classes I substitute for vary. The human kids are very interested as they always get the left overs.

One of the things I do is color the cupcake green. Usually the worst part is matching the color so that the contrast isn't too great. I was standing at the counter counting the drops of food color coming out of a bottle that had an opening wide enough to accomodate a spoon. I had a full and appreciative audience, as both teenagers found a reason to stop their bickering long enough to be in the kitchen counting the drops with me. Fifteen, sixteen, seventeen......the atmosphere was intense.....eighteen, nineteen, twenty.......I wanted these cupcakes to be really green......twenty three, twenty four, twenty fi- OOPS!! Tanda shot past me wtih Berfert in hot pursuit. I jumped and turned around. Berfert had already gone past and Tanada has realized that there is no exit from the far end of the kitchen, a fact that has not changed in the almost three years we've lived in this house. She twists and runs past Berfert, heading for the living room. Mike shifts. I shift. Mandy shifts. Tanada trips on Mike's big feet. She flies for about three feet and lands up against my shins. I jump and spill green food coloring on her. Tanada is no longer from Texas. She's IRISH.

Fortunately, she didn't drip food coloring through the house and onto the peach colored carpet that the landlord, in his infinite wisdom, inflicted on us. She has been cleaning food coloring out of her fur which is almost back to its normal black and white pristine condition.

Her tongue, however, is bright green.

Happy St Patrick's Day.


Editor's note:

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